
Da Nang to strengthen cooperation with India

Published: June 09, 2013

The Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman, Mr Van Huu Chien, yesterday played host to the Indian Ambassador to Viet Nam, Mr Ranjit Rae, who came to bid farewell at the end of his tenure in the country.

Chairman Chien spoke highly of the significant contributions made by the Indian diplomat during his tenure to boosting friendly and cooperative ties between between Da Nang and India.  He also highlighted the fruitful results of cooperative projects in trade, education, information technology (IT), and culture. 

Indian Ambassador Rae and Chairman Chien
Indian Ambassador Rae and Chairman Chien

The city leader also remarked that the Viet Nam-India English Training Centre, which opened in the city in 2009, has helped to train and improve English skills for many local employees, university lecturers, and students.   He added that the Indian government has also paid special attention to giving scholarships to local employees to study in IT, scientific research, the environment, and other aspects.

The Indian Ambassador promised that the Indian government would give top priority to granting scholarships to Da Nang’s students.  He added that some cooperative programmes between the National Museum of India and the Museum of Da Nang would be implemented in the near future.  He also stressed the need for Da Nang and his country to identify their own strengths to gain more remarkable achievements in bilateral trade cooperation over coming years.
