
PM commits support for US businesses

Published: June 11, 2013

The Vietnamese government spares no effort to improve its investment climate to support foreign investors, including those from the US, in doing business in the country.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung made the commitment at a reception for David M. Cote who is a member of the US National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform and also the chairman and CEO of Honeywell.

Dung said that Viet Nam is negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement with other countries, including the US, and hoped US leaders and businesses will support the negotiation process.

Cote said he will convey Dung’s message to his country’s leaders and hoped that Viet Nam will create the best possible conditions for US companies to operate efficiently and durably in the country.

Honeywell is one of the world’s leading suppliers of aerospace products and services, turbochargers, technologies for specialised materials and oil refinement.

The firm has entered Viet Nam since 2005, supplying technologies and services for oil&gas, energy, aviation, and construction sectors.

(Source: VOV)
