
State President begins Denmark visit

Published: September 19, 2013

President Truong Tan Sang arrived in capital Copenhagen on September 18, beginning an official two-day visit to Denmark at the invitation of Queen Margrethe II.

Queen Margrethe II and President Sang reviewed a guard of honour at Copenhagen airport on September 18
Queen Margrethe II and President Sang reviewed a guard of honour at Copenhagen airport on September 18

He was welcomed at the plane’s stairs by Queen Margrethe II and her husband Prince Henrik, and leaders of a number of Danish Ministries.

Danish ambassador to Vietnam John Nielsen was also present at the ceremony.

The Queen welcomed President Sang’s visit, which she believes will open up new prospects for comprehensive cooperation between the two counties.

President Sang affirmed this visit aims to strengthen traditional friendship and all-round cooperation with Denmark, especially the strategic partnership on climate change adaptation.

In the evening, Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik will give a banquet in honour of President Sang and his entourage at Fredensborg Palace in the evening (local time).

Denmark was one of the first Western nations to establish diplomatic ties with Vietnam on November 25, 1971.  

(Source: VOV)

