
8th session of People's Council opens

Published: December 12, 2013

The 8th session of the Da Nang People's Council (PC) for the 2011 - 2016 term opened at the municipal People’s Committee Meeting Hall on Wednesday morning.  The session will review the city’s socio-economic development and its security and defence over the past year, as well as identify key tasks for next year.

Speaking at the event, the municipal Party Committee Secretary, Mr Tran Tho, remarked that, despite the economic difficulties, the city has seen a higher rate of economic growth than last year.

By late 2013, the city’s gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to have increased by 8.1% year-on-year, and the value of services is likely to have risen by 10%.  The total export turnover of goods and services should show an increase of 13.1% year-on-year, of which goods exports are predicted to have risen by 11.4%.

Mr Tho speaking at the event
Mr Tho speaking at the event

The city’s education, health, culture and society, sports and physical training, and science and technology sectors have all seen positive developments.

In 2014, the city will focus on maintaining macroeconomic stability, curbing inflation, achieving higher growth rates than this year, and ensuring security and social welfare.

Also at the event, the participants selected Mr Nguyen Thanh Sang, the Director of the Finance Department, as a new committee member to replace the Department’s former director, Mrs Le Thi Huong, who has retired.

On Thursday, the municipal PC members were focusing on discussions about 5 major resolutions and the adoption of them.
