
City leader extends Christmas wishes

Published: December 25, 2013

On Tuesday afternoon, some of Da Nang’s leaders paid a Christmas visit to local Christian and Protestant dignitaries at the office of the Diocese of Da Nang.  The delegation was led by the Da Nang Party Committee Secretary, Mr Tran Tho, who wished the religious dignitaries and followers a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year.  He spoke highly of the local Christian followers in particular, as well as religious believers in general, for their remarkable contributions to the city’s progress. 

The city leader expressed his appreciation of the local dignitaries’ efforts to implement the city’s guidelines and policies, and for their work with the local government and residents to fulfil the city’s socio-economic development target and to ensure local security and defence in 2013.

Bishop Chau Ngoc Tri and Party Secretary Tho
Bishop Chau Ngoc Tri and Party Secretary Tho

