
State President receives new foreign ambassadors

Published: March 07, 2014

State President Truong Tan Sang reiterated Viet Nam’s consistent foreign policy of befriending all nations while receiving a number of newly accredited ambassadors in Ha Noi on March 6.

Receiving Pakistani ambassador Uddin A Zam, Sang noted the traditional friendship between Viet Nam and Pakistan and said bilateral trade ties are developing considerably. The two countries have coordinated well at regional and international forums.

The President proposed both sides increase high-level visit exchange to cement ties.
Ambassador Uddin A Zam lauded Viet Nam’s socio-economic development, considering it an example for Pakistan to learn from. He revealed a joint investment conference will be held in Viet Nam this September to connect the two business circles.

Both sides plan to open their trade representative offices in Ha Noi and Karachi to promote investment opportunities.

At a reception for Brunei ambassador Penangiran Haji Sahari bin Pengiran Haji Salleh, President Sang congratulated Brunei on its successful ASEAN Presidency in 2013, and said Viet Nam and Brunei have cooperated well within the ASEAN cooperation framework.

He stressed the two countries have great potential for stronger cooperation, especially in the areas of oil and gas, agriculture, and tourism.

He expressed hope both sides will sign a culture and education agreement very soon.

Meeting with ambassador Khaled Ibrahim Abdul Aziz Shuhail of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), President Sang confirmed Viet Nam attaches importance to further developing cooperative ties with the UAE, primarily in economics, trade, investment and labour.

He proposed the UAE support Viet Nam’s bid to join the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for 2016-2018 and the UN Security Council (UNSC) as a non-permanent member for 2020-2021.

The ambassador said the UAE will do its utmost to elevate relations with Viet Nam and create favourable conditions for Vietnamese residents to work and live in its territories.

At another reception for Thai ambassador Panyarak Poolthup, President Sang expressed his satisfaction at the close coordination between Viet Nam and Thailand at regional and multilateral forums.

He proposed further developing the bilateral strategic partnership, and assured his guest Vietnam welcomes Thai investors.

The new ambassador said Thailand will work hard to bring bilateral cooperation on a par with their strategic partnership which was established in 2013, aiming to raise two-way trade to US$15 billion in the coming year.

The same day, President Sang met with the ambassadors of Kazakhstan, Egypt, Myanmar, Djibouti, Marshall Islands, and Suriname.

(Source: VOV)
