
Viet Nam boosts judicial cooperation with Belgium

Published: March 13, 2014

Viet Nam and Belgium are established partners on multiple fronts; however judicial cooperation is in its infancy.

Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg Pham Sanh Chau made the statement at a recent working session with leaders of the Court of Cessation and the Public Prosecutor of Belgium in Brussels.
Belgian officials provided Chau an overview of the structure and operational methods of the judiciary, which is based on the civil law and is rooted deeply in Napoleon Law.

Meanwhile, Chau briefed the hosts on Viet Nam’s judicial system and recent developments in its evolution.

He said both countries have great potential for judicial cooperation as their judicial systems bear a number of similarities and the two countries are Francophone members.

He voiced his hopes that the two sides can boost cooperation in the specific areas of judicial and law enforcement, including training and completion of the legal system.

Chau expressed his belief that bilateral judicial cooperation will flourish in the future as Viet Nam is the sole country in Asia receiving official development assistance (ODA) from Belgium.

(Source: VOV)

