
Bulgarian Prime Minister visits Da Nang

Published: April 10, 2014

On Tuesday, the Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman, Mr Van Huu Chien, hosted the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Mr Plamen Oreshaski, who is making a 5-day official visit to Viet Nam at the invitation of his Vietnamese counterpart, Mr Nguyen Tan Dung.

Chairman Chien expressed his honour and pleasure to welcome Prime Minister Oreshaski, his wife, and other high-ranking Bulgarian officials to Da Nang.  He briefed his guests on the city's remarkable socio-economic achievements over recent years, its modern infrastructure, and favourable incentive policies for foreign investors.

Bulgarian Prime Minister Oreshaski and Chairman Chien
Bulgarian Prime Minister Oreshaski and Chairman Chien

The city leader said that he would like Da Nang and Bulgaria to establish bilateral cooperation in various aspects, but with a focus on trade, investment and tourism.  He pledged that the local authorities would create very favourable conditions for Bulgarian businesses to invest and operate effectively in the city.

Prime Minister Oreshaski agreed to choose one of his country’s best cities to establish a sister-city relationship with Da Nang, and to build a close and comprehensive bilateral cooperation.
