
City leader welcomes Thai reporters

Published: April 24, 2014

On Wednesday afternoon, the Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People's Council, Mr Huynh Nghia, warmly received a group of Thai reporters, led by the Chairman of Chiang Mai Province’s Journalists’ Association, Mr Amnat Jongyotying.

Vice Chairman Nghia said proudly that Da Nang is considered a safe destination for both foreign visitors and investors in the context of the current complex security and political situation in the world.  He affirmed that the government and people of Da Nang always exert every effort to significantly improve the spiritual and material lives of local residents, and ensure social order and security.  He added that special attention is being paid to reaching the target of no starving households, no illiterate people, no itinerant beggars, no drug-addicts in the community, and no murders for property in the city.  In addition, they attach great importance to ensuring that all local residents have their own houses, stable jobs, and a cultural lifestyle.  This will help to create a healthy environment for sustainable economic and social development, as well as make foreign investors feel safe and trusting when they decide to invest in the city.

Vice Chairman Nghia (right) presents a momento to Chairman Jongyotying
Vice Chairman Nghia (right) presents a momento to Chairman Jongyotying

The city leader also remarked that his city has the advantages of being a first-grade city, a transportation hub in the central region, the Pacific gateway for the East-West Economic Corridor (EWEC), and an important strategic position for socio-economic development, security and defence.  He said he hoped that the reporters from Chiang Mai Province will advertise the city’s image to Thai investors.  This will help them to clearly understand the city's preferential policies for foreign investment, as well as to fully tap the advantages of EWEC.

Mr Jongyotying spoke highly of the bilateral cooperative ties between Da Nang and Thai localities, including Chiang Mai Province.  He vowed that his delegation would be actively involved in advertising the city’s image and its preferential policies to Thai investors in order to further strengthen the bilateral economic cooperation with Da Nang.
