
Get-together for senior revolutionaries

Published: April 17, 2014

To mark the 39th anniversary of National Reunification (30 April), a get-together for over 30 former senior officials of the Quang Da Special Zone and Quang Nam Province’s authorities during the anti-American resistance war took place in the city on Tuesday morning.  The event was jointly chaired by the Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee, Mr Tran Tho, and his counterpart from Quang Nam province, Mr Nguyen Duc Hai.

The leaders (left) and two former senior officials
The leaders (left) and two former senior officials

At the event, Secretary Tho and his counterpart briefed the participants on the socio-economic development of the two localities over the past year and in the first quarter of this year.  In addition, the two leaders presented gifts to the senior revolutionaries as well as spoke highly of their significant contributions to the two localities’ progress in peacetime.  The two leaders also expressed their belief that the senior revolutionaries will continue to contribute their intellectual and experiential knowledge to the development of their beloved hometowns in the future.

