
Viet Nam Fisheries Surveillance Force makes its debut

Published: April 16, 2014

A ceremony to launch the Viet Nam Fisheries Surveillance Force was held at the Zone 3 Naval Base in Da Nang on Tuesday morning.  The event was organised by the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.  In attendance were Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Cao Duc Phat, and leaders from ministries, agencies and the city’s authorities.

Prime Minister Dung (right) and some of the force’s members
Prime Minister Dung (right) and some of the force’s members

Addressing the event, Minister Phat said that the force was established under Decree No 102/2012/ND-CP issued by the Vietnamese government on 29 November 2012, and Decision No 3285/QD-BNN-TCCB by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development on 28 November 2012.  Accordingly, this specialised force will be under the management of Viet Nam’s General Department of Fisheries.  Its headquarters is located in Ha Noi and there are 4 fisheries surveillance sub-offices in different regions of the country. 

  Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai (middle) and some representatives from relevant agencies discussing ways to cooperate with the force
Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai (middle) and some representatives from relevant agencies discussing ways to cooperate with the force

The force’s main task is to conduct sea patrols to inspect fishing activities in the territorial waters of Viet Nam, and to detect and deal with related violations.  In addition, the force’s members will protect national marine resources and help Vietnamese fishermen maintain their sustainable livelihoods, as well as actively contribute towards ensuring maritime security and safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty over its territorial waters.

Visiting maritime surveillance ships at the military port
Visiting maritime surveillance ships at the military port

After the launch ceremony, Prime Minister Dung and the other participants visited some maritime surveillance ships and their crew members at the naval base.


