
Fishermen determined to continue fishing in Hoang Sa waters

Published: May 12, 2014

On Saturday, the Deputy Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development and Head of Viet Nam’s General Department of Fisheries, Mr Vu Van Tam, met with representatives of the Da Nang-based Fisheries Surveillance Team No 3.  He was told about the current operation of the Vietnamese fisheries surveillance ships in the Hoang Sa waters, where China’s HD-981 oil drilling rig, escorted by a large number of vessels, arrived on 2 May.

Mr Doan Thanh Lam from the Fisheries Surveillance Team No 3 said that since their debut on 15 April, his unit and other teams nationwide have fulfilled their tasks well.  In detail, they have inspected fishing activities in the territorial waters of Viet Nam, and actively contributed towards safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty over its territorial waters.  He added that it was his team that first detected the drilling rig and the flotilla of military and civilian ships illegally operating in Viet Nam’s exclusive economic zone on 2 May.  To solve the matter, the Vietnamese coastguards and the fisheries surveillance forces have made every effort to stop the illegal intrusion by the Chinese.  Chinese ships have aggressively sailed at high speed to repeatedly ram some Vietnamese ships.  Lately, Chinese aircraft have flown low over the Vietnamese coastguard vessels dispatched to the area, in a bid to threaten them.  To make the issue worse, Chinese ships have fired water cannons into Vietnamese coast vessels, damaging them and injuring 9 crew members. 

Some local fishermen making preparations for their next trip
Some local fishermen making preparations for their next trip

Deputy Minister Tam highly applauded the injured fisheries surveillance members for their determination to stay with their colleagues and continue the fight against the Chinese ships.  He affirmed that their admirable bravery warms the cockles of the hearts of the Vietnamese people, especially fishermen, as well as sets a good example to follow for those who are involved in the nation’s fisheries sector. 

On 10 and 11 May, dozens of offshore fishing vessels from the central region, including Da Nang, headed out to sea, regardless of the possibility of aggressive actions by the Chinese ships.  At the city’s Tho Quang fishing wharf, many local fishermen were busy making preparations for their next trips to the Hoang Sa waters.  Their supplies of fuel, food, fresh water and ice have been loaded.

Mr Le Van Chien from Thanh Khe District determinedly said that his offshore fishing vessel will operate in the location where China has illegally positioned its drilling rig.  He added that the upcoming trips to the Hoang Sa waters might result in dangerous situations.  However, it is a great honour to him and the other local fishermen to support the Vietnamese coastguards in their fight against China’s intentional infringement of Viet Nam’s sovereignty.

Another fisherman, Mr Tran Trung Thang, said that he has more than 20 years’ experience of offshore fishing.  He added that his upcoming fishing trip is very special to him because it will be conducted for the purpose of safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty.  He affirmed that the nation’s sea and islands are integral parts of its territory, and they play a vital role in securing the survival and prosperity of the country.  For this reason, the Vietnamese government and every resident across the country, including every fisherman, will uphold their responsibilities for protecting the nation’s territorial waters.   The strong-willed man also vowed that he and other local fishermen would boost their solidarity and mutual support activities at sea.

Meanwhile, Captain Le Van Xin of the DNa 90026 offshore fishing boat remarked that Da Nang boasts a rich revolutionary tradition and the local people are dauntless.  He promised that he and the other local fishermen would increase the number of fishing trips to help those who are directly involved in protecting the nation’s sovereignty, and to boost the power to stop China’s illegal moves.  Mr Xin emphasised that the local fishermen will keep calm to try to effectively resolve possible future incidents at sea.




