
Int'l community asked to back justice in East Sea issue

Published: June 13, 2014

Vietnamese Ambassador to South Africa Le Huy Hoang has called on politicians, academics and diplomatic missions in the country to voice objections to China’s aggressive actions in the East Sea and back Viet Nam’s legitimate demand for China’s withdrawal of its illegally-placed rig from Viet Nam’s waters.

A Chinese coast guard vessel deliberately rammed into the left side of a Vietnamese coast guard ship (Photo: VNA)
A Chinese coast guard vessel deliberately rammed into the left side of a Vietnamese coast guard ship (Photo: VNA)

Addressing a workshop on the East Sea situation on June 12, Hoang briefed the participations on the latest developments.

He stated that ever since China illegally placed its Haiyang Shiyou-981 drilling rig in Viet Nam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf in early May, it has maintained a large number of armed ships and aircraft to defend the rig, conduct aggressive actions and even sink a Vietnamese fishing boat.

These deeds have seriously violated international law, the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea, to which China is a signatory, Hoang said, adding that Vietnam is determined to solve all disputes by peaceful means in line with international law in order to protect its legitimate rights and interests.

During the workshop, representatives from many diplomatic missions appreciated the Vietnamese Embassy’s organisation of the event. They raised their voice to support justice and Viet Nam’s guideline of restraining itself and using peaceful measures.

Delegates also suggested Vietnam take full advantage of relevant mechanisms and forums within the framework of the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement and the Group of 77 to get more support from the international community.

Meanwhile, in Norway, Vietnamese people there have raised 6,000 USD for a fund towards Viet Nam’s sea and islands.

(Source: VNA)

