
Seminar on Viet Nam's sovereignty over Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagos

Published: June 21, 2014

Following the success of a seminar on Viet Nam’s sovereignty over the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Archipelagos which took place in Quang Ngai Province last April, another one is being held in Da Nang.  The seminar, entitled “Hoang Sa and Truong Sa Archipelagos: the Historical Truth”, is being jointly organised by the University of Da Nang and the Pham Van Dong University in Quang Ngai Province at the Grand Mercure Danang Hotel from 19 to 21 June. 

The event will see the participation of around 100 Vietnamese scholars and researchers from both home and abroad, along with some from the USA, Russia, Australia, Germany, Japan, France, the Philippines, South Korea and other countries across the world.

The Hoang Sa Archipelago
The Hoang Sa Archipelago

During the 3-day event, the focus will be on introducing basic information about the 2 archipelagos and the current territorial disputes over the islands, as well as highlighting the impact of sea-related issues on peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.  In addition, special attention will be paid to marking the day when China completed their illegal military occupation of the Hoang Sa Islands (19 January 1974), as well as recalling memories of the Gac Ma Island battle in the Truong Sa Archipelago on 14 March 1988.  In addition, the event will release new evidence which proves that Viet Nam has established and exercised its sovereignty over the islands in terms of international law.  The prospects and new solutions for solving the current maritime disputes in the East Sea will also be discussed.

Within the framework of the seminar, the scholars, along with honourable guests and reporters, will attend the opening ceremony of the “Hoang Sa and Truong Sa: Integral Parts of Viet Nam’s Sovereignty” exhibition at the Museum of Da Nang on 21 June.  This exhibition will be jointly organised by the museum, the city’s Historical Science Association, the University of Da Nang, and the Pham Van Dong University.  On display will be valuable historical evidence which affirms that Viet Nam has established and exercised its sovereignty over the archipelagos in a peaceful and continuous manner over many historical periods.  Also on the same day, there will be a talk about China’s illegal action of positioning the HD-981 oil drilling rig in Viet Nam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf.  A meeting with historical witnesses who used to live and work on the Hoang Sa islands will be included.

