
Viet Nam rejects China's East Sea wrongful allegations

Published: June 17, 2014

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held an international press conference in Ha Noi on June 16 to clarify China’s wrongful, groundless allegations of the current situation in the East Sea made on June 13 and provide fresh developments there.

Vice Chairman of the National Boundary Commission Tran Duy Hai stated that Viet Nam has made every effort and shown every gesture of goodwill to solve the current tension in the East Sea, which was sparked by China’s illegal placement of its oil rig Haiyang Shiyou-981 in Viet Nam’s waters, via negotiations and peaceful solutions but China has responded in an unconstructive manner.

China is intentionally turning undisputed areas into disputed ones with reasonless claims. Photo: VNA
China is intentionally turning undisputed areas into disputed ones with reasonless claims. Photo: VNA

China has not only failed to respond to Viet Nam’s goodwill but come up with baseless accusations that have distorted the facts and slandered Vietnamese ships of ramming against Chinese vessels more than 1,500 times, he said, adding that China has not provided any real proof to support its accusations.

Meanwhile, according to Hai, Viet Nam has publicised many pieces of evidence, by photos and video clips, capturing China’s aggressive, violent acts such as ramming against and firing water cannons at Viet Nam’s ships, sinking a Vietnamese fishing boat, and injuring tens of Vietnamese people.

“Once again, Viet Nam resolutely demands China respect international law, immediately stop violations of the sovereign right and jurisdiction of Viet Nam in its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, withdraw the Haiyang Shiyou-981 oil rig and escort vehicles from Viet Nam’s waters, and never repeat similar acts in the future,” he stressed.

Vietnam continues to request China to solve all disputes through peaceful means in accordance with international law, including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), he added.

(Source: VNA)


