
Viet Nam asks China to stop illegal activities on Truong Sa

Published: November 06, 2014

Viet Nam urgently requests China to immediately put an end to its construction projects on Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago and refrain from repeating illegal activities in the future.

 Vietnamese soldiers on Truong Sa archipelago (Photo: VNA)
Vietnamese soldiers on Truong Sa archipelago (Photo: VNA)

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Le Hai Binh made the request on November 6 in response to China’s illegal construction projects on Chu Thap (Fiery Cross) Reef, part of Viet Nam’s Truong Sa archipelago.

“Viet Nam has full legal and historical evidence proving its sovereignty over the two archipelagos of Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa,” he affirmed.

China’s above-mentioned activities seriously violate Viet Nam’s sovereignty over Truong Sa, infringe international law and run counter to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the Bien Dong (DOC), as well as the agreement on basic principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues between the two countries, he said.

They upset the status quo, cause tensions and complicate the situation further, harming peace and stability in the region, he added.

“Viet Nam resolutely opposes these illegal acts and demands the Chinese side respect its sovereignty and strictly observe the DOC,” Binh reiterated.

That same day, representatives of the Foreign Ministry met with representatives of the Chinese Embassy in Ha Noi to present the note of opposition.

(Source: VNA)
