
CITYNET interested in local urban development

Published: December 02, 2014

On Monday morning, the Vice Chairman of the Da Nang People’s Committee, Mr Phung Tan Viet, played host to a group from the Regional Network of Local Authorities for the Management of Human Settlements (CITYNET), led by its Deputy Secretary General, Mrs Aisa Tobing.

Mrs Tobing said that she was very impressed by the city’s rapid development of its urban infrastructure over recent years.  She said CITYNET is willing to exchange experiences in boosting urban development at her organisation’s forthcoming annual conference.

Deputy Secretary General Tobing and Vice Chairman Viet
Deputy Secretary General Tobing and Vice Chairman Viet

In reply, Vice Chairman Viet said that top priority has been given to improving the city’s urban traffic infrastructure.  He affirmed, however, that this has yet to meet local development requirements.  He also noted that Da Nang is appealing for financial aid from foreign organisations and investors to help it to develop its urban transport infrastructure over the years ahead.  Mr Viet also said that he would like CITYNET to help Da Nang to host this organisation’s annual conference.  The purpose will be to share the city’s experience in urban development with CITYNET’s members, as well as to seek more sponsors for the city’s development projects.  

Established in 1987, CITYNET has more than 130 members from over 20 countries worldwide.  Viet Nam has 5 CITYNET members, namely Ha Noi, Hai Phong, Hue, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City.  Annually, the organisation holds about 25 events, including workshops and training programmes, to address urgent issues related to urban development and planning, environmental protection, and climate change adaptation.
