
Enhancing bilateral friendly ties with India

Published: December 05, 2014

On Thursday afternoon, the Chairman of the Da Nang People’s Committee, Mr Van Huu Chien, played host to a group from the India-Viet Nam Solidarity Committee in West Bengal State, led by its President Geetesh Sharma.

Chairman Chien said he would like Mr Sharma to do his utmost to promote the establishment of diplomatic ties between Da Nang and Kolkata City in West Bengal State as soon as possible.  He also said he hoped that numerous bilateral exchange programmes could be organised in order to enhance the friendship and solidarity between the people of the two cities.

Chairman Chien (second right) and representatives from the India-Viet Nam Solidarity Committee
Chairman Chien (second right) and representatives from the India-Viet Nam Solidarity Committee

Mr Sharma affirmed that the purpose of his visit was to experience the distinctive characteristics of the land and people of Da Nang in order to write a book in the near future about the seaside city.

Mr Sharma has written many books about late President Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnamese culture, and India-Viet Nam friendly relations.  In 2008, he visited Da Nang to seek relevant documents to write books about the Cham culture, especially the Cham towers in the city.  Early in 2009, two poets from Da Nang were sent to Kolkata to attend the International Poetry Festival.  Over recent years, Da Nang has cooperated with the Indian Embassy in Viet Nam and the Indian Consulate General to Ho Chi Minh City to organise many musical performances in the city.

In June 2013, a Memorandum of Understanding on compiling and publishing a research book about 50 sculptures displayed at the Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture was signed between the city’s museum and the National Museum Institute of the History of Art, Conservation and Museology, India.
