
Russia confident of strategic partnership with Viet Nam

Published: December 26, 2014

Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation Yuri Ushakov has affirmed his nation is sanguine of the Viet Nam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership.

At a December 25 meeting in Moscow, the Russian presidential assistant and Viet Nam Ambassador Nguyen Thanh Son appreciated the outcome of the official visit to Russia by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and expressed hope the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two nations would grow and flourish in the future.

Ambassador asserted Viet Nam’s recognition of high importance to developing the comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia and the Viet Nam Embassy’s willingness to closely coordinate with Russian ministries and sectors to actively implement high-level agreements and promptly resolve pending issues.

The Vietnamese diplomat asked the Russian Presidential Office and Mr Ushakov to create the best possible conditions for the Vietnamese community to boost deeper integration into the country of residence and make more contributions to the Viet Nam – Russia relations while facilitating the Ha Noi-Moscow Trade Centre (Incentra)’s operations in order to become an iconic bridge of the Viet Nam – Russia friendship.

For his part, Yuri Ushakov suggested the two sides should properly implement all the agreements reached between senior leaders and vowed to request the Russian President to back Viet Nam’s proposals.

