
Headquarters built for Cambodia's Military History Institute

Published: January 18, 2015

The Military History Institute of Cambodia has inaugurated its new headquarters in Phnom Penh, which was built with funding from the Vietnamese Ministry of Defence (MoD).

Delegates at the inauguration ceremony
Delegates at the inauguration ceremony

At the inauguration ceremony, Gen. Nem Sowath, Director General of the Cambodian Defence Ministry's Policy and Foreign Affairs Department, said the building is a new symbol of the traditional solidarity and close co-operation between the two countries’ defence ministries.

The valuable aid from the Vietnamese government and Defence Ministry has contributed importantly to Cambodia’s national development and defence, he said.

Besides paying for the institute’s construction, the Vietnamese Defence Ministry also purchased equipment for the new facility, according to Vietnamese military attaché to Cambodia Colonel Nguyen Anh Dung. He also noted that many Cambodians have also received training in military history in Viet Nam to serve the development of this field in Cambodia.

