
Positive results from implementation of democratic regulations

Published: April 17, 2015

On Thursday, Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Tran Tho had a working session with Mrs Ha Thi Khiet, the Secretary of the Party Central Committee and Head of the Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilisation. 

Secretary Khiet's visit was aimed at inspecting the city’s implementation of the Politburo’s Instruction on the building and implementation of democratic regulations at grassroots level.

 A scene from the working session
A scene from the working session

Da Nang has gained some positive results from the implementation of democratic regulations over recent years.  Party members and government cadres at local agencies have always highly respected the democratic rights of local residents.  In addition, locals have strongly supported the city’s guidelines and policies, and have become actively involved in local emulation movements.  The implementation of democratic regulations at all levels has significantly contributed to furthering the city’s socio-economic progress, ensuring local social security, and stepping up the urbanisation in the city.

Secretary Tho remarked that the high consensus amongst local inhabitants has been mainly attributed to the city’s top priority given to their legitimate interests and the great efforts made by the local authorities.

Secretary Khiet highly praised Da Nang for effectively implementing the Politburo’s Instruction over the past years.  She also took the opportunity to ask the city’s authorities to continue their efforts to gain more achievements in the deployment of the Instruction. 
