
City leaders visit Buddhist Sangha

Published: June 01, 2015

Last Friday, some of Da Nang’s leaders, led by the Chairman of the local Fatherland Front Committee Nguyen Manh Hung and the municipal People’s Committee Vice Chairman Vo Duy Khuong, paid a visit to the city’s Buddhist Sangha in recognition of Buddha's upcoming 2559th birthday.

On behalf of the city leaders, Chairman Hung wished all local Buddhist dignitaries, monks, nuns, and followers a mood of peace and contentment.  He spoke highly of their great efforts for the city’s progress, and especially of their active involvement in local social welfare programmes.

Chairman Hung (right) presenting a flower basket to a representative of the city’s Buddhist Sangha
Chairman Hung (right) presenting a flower basket to a representative of the city’s Buddhist Sangha

He also took the opportunity to appeal to local Buddhist followers to make even greater efforts to promote the fine traditions and tenets of Buddhism for the city’s growth in the years ahead.

The Deputy Head of the city’s Buddhist Sangha, Most Venerable Thich Chi Man, thanked the local authorities for facilitating the local Buddhist followers to participate in campaigns launched by the local Fatherland Front Committee in accordance with the city’s policies and laws.  He hoped that they would continue making joint efforts with other local residents to promote the city’s growth.
