
Get-together for region's retired police officers

Published: August 12, 2015

To mark the upcoming 70th anniversary of the Viet Nam People’s Public Security (19 August), a get-together for over 110 retired high-ranking police officers from the 14 localities in the central region and highlands took place in Da Nang on Tuesday.

On behalf of the city’s leaders, municipal People’s Committee Chairman Huynh Duc Tho remarked that the get-together demonstrates the younger generation's deep gratitude to the former police officers for their great efforts in safeguarding national security.  This has helped to further the socio-economic development of the country, and the central region and highlands in particular.

Representatives from the Ministry of Public Security and some retired high-ranking police officers
Representatives from the Ministry of Public Security and some retired high-ranking police officers

Chairman Tho also took the opportunity to give high praise to the municipal Department of Police for its active involvement in encouraging local political organisations and people from all walks of life to ensure local security in order to foster the city’s progress over recent years.

Also at the event, the Minister for Public Security, General Tran Dai Quang, spoke highly of the over 20,000 police officers and men who were actively involved in the country’s resistance wars against invaders, and the nearly 15,000 others who laid down their lives for national independence.

General Quang urged the police forces to carry on their efforts to fight against all types of crime, but especially corruption and transnational, hi-tech, economic and drug-related organised crimes.  Also, importance should be attached to speeding up administrative reform and promoting scientific and technological applications in order enhance the State management of social security.

The former Director of the Quang Nam-Da Nang Department of Police, Colonel Nguyen Hanh Kiem, vowed that he and other retired police officers would make greater devotions to their beloved Fatherland.

On the same day, the Environmental Crime Prevention and Control Division of the municipal Department of Police donated 12 rubber batons and 12 helmets to militia forces from Hoa Vang District’s Hoa Phong Commune for their remarkable achievements in ensuring local security.  In addition, the Division presented gifts to 2 poor militiamen from the commune. 

