
Focusing on Party building in non-State enterprises

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
July 29, 2019, 17:12 [GMT+7]

In addition to helping businesses overcome their difficulties and stabilise their production and business activities, the Lien Chieu District authorities have paid special attention to building Party in non-state enterprises (NSEs) across the district over recent years.

Mrs Trinh Thi Hong (centre), the Director of the Minh Hong Biology Company cum Secretary of the Party cell, introducing her products at a local fair
Mrs Trinh Thi Hong (centre), the Director of the Minh Hong Biology Company cum Secretary of the Party cell, introducing her products at a local fair

In 2018 alone, 2 new Party organisations were established in the district, bringing the total number of Party organisations in the district’s NSEs to 7 with 40 Party members in total.

Besides, 11 members of NSEs were admitted to the Party, including an owner of a private business.

These above-mentioned figures have showed the special care by the district’s Party Committee in the Party building.

Mr Phan Cong Bang, Deputy Head of the district Party Committee's Organisation Commission, highlighted the significance of admitting owners of NSEs to the Party in ensuring stable operation of Party cells and enterprises.

According to Mr Chau Quang Anh, Director of the An Thach Co Ltd cum Secretary of the Party Cell, said his organisation has been focusing on admitting outstanding employees of the company to the Party.

“Last year, my company admitted 4 employees of the company to the Party, raising the total number of Party members to 9. All Party members come from families with revolutionary traditions, have good morals and make great efforts in fulfilling assigned tasks”, Mr Anh added.

He added with the role of the owner of the company cum Secretary of the Party cell, he found it very convenient to publicise the resolutions to local Party members.

Mrs Trinh Thi Hong, the Director of the Minh Hong Biology Company cum Secretary of the Party cell, said her Party cell was just established in early 2018. However, she has many years of experience in being Deputy Secretary of a Party cell in her residential area. Thanks to this, her business has been operating effectively in the city in recent years and her company’s products have won the trust of customers.

Head of the Party Committee's Organisation Commission of Lien Chieu District Luu Thi Hien said the district is now home to 2,510 NSEs. Over recent years, the local businesses has recorded a significant growth in their production and business activities, thereby making great contribution to the district’s economic development and solving some social welfare-related issues.

Mrs Hien, however, pointed out some shortcomings in the operation of local NSEs. In particular, some NSEs have yet to make their long-term development strategies. Most of them are small-scale, and their business efficiency and competitiveness are not impressive.

Moreover, many enterprises have yet to sign collective labour agreements, fulfil their tax obligations, and participate in social and health insurance in accordance with the national regulations.

Mrs Hien added, in the coming time, the district Party Committee would pay special attention to widely publicising the guidelines and policies of the Party, the State and the city amongst NSEs, with a focus on the important role of building Party and organisations in NSEs.
