
Memorial, burial services held for former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu

By VNA / DA NANG Today
August 16, 2020, 09:10 [GMT+7]

Memorial services for former Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu were held in Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh City and his home province of Thanh Hoa on August 15 afternoon.

The memorial services started at 12:30 at the National Funeral Hall at No. 5 Tran Thanh Tong Street, Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)
The memorial services started at 12:30 at the National Funeral Hall at No. 5 Tran Thanh Tong Street, Ha Noi. (Photo: VNA)

The memorial services started at 12:30 at the National Funeral Hall at No. 5 Tran Thanh Tong Street, Ha Noi, with the participation of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong, and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee Tran Thanh Man. 

Former Party General Secretary Nong Duc Manh, former Presidents Tran Duc Luong and Truong Tan Sang, and former Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung, among others, were also present at the ceremony.
Delivering the eulogy at the ceremony in Ha Noi, PM Phuc said comrade Le Kha Phieu was an eminent and prestigious leader of the Vietnamese Party, State and people, and a loyal Party member who had devoted his lifetime to national independence and reunification, and socialism, for happiness of people, and international missions.

Recalling the life and career of the late leader, the PM said in any circumstances and positions, comrade Phieu had overcome all difficulties and hardships to outstandingly fulfil his assigned tasks.

PM Phuc highlighted comrade Phieu’s role as commander of the battles against the genocidal regime in Cambodia.

As Party General Secretary, comrade Phieu had always played the pioneer role, protected the Party’s unity and solidarity, and put the interests of the Party and the nation first. He was respected and loved by comrades and the people, and respected by international friends, the PM said.

The late Party leader’s son Le Minh Dien expressed thanks to incumbent and former leaders of the Party, State, Government and Vietnam Fatherland Front, officials of agencies, organisations and localities, foreign officials, international friends, the people and relatives for their sympathy. 

The late leader’s coffin, wrapped in the national flag, was then moved out of the National Funeral Hall to the Mai Dich Cemetery in Ha Noi.
The burial service was held at 14:00 the same day at the Mai Dich Cemetery.

From August 14-15, nearly 950 delegations with around 11,000 people have paid homage to the former Party General Secretary at the National Funeral Hall, the Thong Nhat Hall in Ho Chi Minh City, and the 25B Hall on Quang Trung street, Thanh Hoa city, Thanh Hoa province.

Nearly 30 diplomatic corps and international organisations, along with Party and State delegations of Laos and Cambodia also came to pay their respect to the late leader.

Meanwhile, other foreign leaders and friends sent messages of condolences to the Vietnamese Party, State and people and the family of the deceased over the past days.

Former Party General Secretary Phieu passed away at 2.52am on August 7 at his home.

Over the course of his more than 70 years of revolutionary activities, comrade Phieu made substantial contributions to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation. He was awarded a Golden Star, an insignia for 70 years of Party membership, and many other Vietnamese and international orders and medals.

During the two-day national mourning on August 14-15, national flags were flown at half-mast at offices and public places, and recreational and entertainment activities were stopped.

Source: VNA
