
Ministerial special task force leave Da Nang Friday as coronavirus transmission slowed in the city

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
August 20, 2020, 21:02 [GMT+7]

Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Truong Son, who is currently leading a ministerial special task force to help Da Nang tackle Covid-19, and some of national medical experts will leave the city tomorrow, Friday, 21 August. They will leave for Ha Noi as the city has gradually gained the control of the Covid-19 pandemic over recent days.

By NGOC PHU – Translated by A.T
Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman Huynh Duc Tho (3rd, left) presenting a momento to members of Covid-19 special task force from the Ministry of Health 

According to constructive instructions by Deputy Minister Son, in spite of Covid-19 outbreak in the city being gradually controlled, high vigilance against this unpredictable virus should be kept in place in the time to come, with a focus on maintaining the practice of infection prevention and control measures for Covid-19 imposed by the national and municipal governments.

On behalf of the city leaders and locals, Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman Huynh Duc Tho expressed his deep gratitude to the Ministry of Health-dispatched Covid-19 special task force, especially Deputy Minister Son, for their dedication and valuable support for Da Nang to help it eliminate the coronavirus.

Regardless of heavy world overload, hardship and looming menace of catching the deadly virus, the force’s members have assisted Da Nang in stepping up its coronavirus ‘test, track and trace’ and treatment efforts in a bid to stop the spread of infection in the community.

Also, the city has received constructive suggestions from the force to respond to the virus resurgence, including reimposing social distancing restrictions on the city’s total population and the disinfection of the C and Da Nang General hospitals so that these medical facilities can come back on stream in treating non-Covid-19 patients suffering other serious diseases from the city and elsewhere in the country.

Chairman Tho hoped that the force’s members would continue to support the city’s efforts to eliminate the coronavirus after leaving Da Nang. 

By NGOC PHU – Translated by A.T

