
New social policy initiatives in Da Nang leverage its sustainable development

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 04, 2020, 17:20 [GMT+7]

Over the past 4 years, Da Nang’s landmark ‘City of 4 Safe Programmes’ campaign has run effectively with a handful of comprehensive solutions and policies, whereby many families across the city have better access to fundamental services in such major essential aspects as education, healthcare, and housing.

The construction of apartment buildings for lease to workers in Hoa Cam Industrial Park makes an important contribution to local welfare network
The construction of apartment buildings for lease to workers in Hoa Cam Industrial Park makes an important contribution to the city's welfare system

As a result, the living standards of local residents have been improved considerably, which created a momentum for the city’s steady footsteps on its sustainable development journey.

Recent years have seen the city’s healthcare service significantly improve, with a total of 29 medial facilities under the direct management of the municipal of Health Department. All of ward/ commune-level medical stations meet the national healthcare standards. Besides, the city also houses 8 private hospitals and 1,500 private medical facilities, and many hospitals under Vietnamese ministries and national government agencies. All of them have made the great contributions to bringing up a remarkable facelift to the city’s health care system.

Director of the municipal Department of Health Ngo Thi Kim Yen said in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the city's available modern medical infrastructure and its highly-qualified and skilled workforce have played an important role in gradually bringing the pandemic under control.

Also moving up its significant progress over recent years, the city’s education and training sector has gained many positive results. According to Director of the municipal Department of Education and Training Le Thi Bich Thuan, heed has been attached to developing education infrastructure and enhancing the learning and teaching quality.

It is worth lauding that all schools across Da Nang have taken proactive actions to attract private investment inflows into building swimming pools, to provide adequate water, sanitation and hygiene services for all pupils, and to provide free screenings for the early detection of eye and heart diseases, along with learning tools and scholarships for thousands of poor pupils.

According to Deputy Director of the city’s Department of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs Nguyen Van An, between 2017 and 2019, job opportunities were created for 68,405 locals, thereby reducing the city’s unemployment rate to 3.2% last year.

Meanwhile, a total of 156,973 residents were accessed vocational training courses, hereby increasing the rate of trained or skilled workers in the city from 49% in 2017 to 53% in 2019. Outdated, simple processing tasks in the city which occupied a small proportion were replaced with hi-tech jobs. These are assisted by cutting-edge machinery and international-standard processing phases.

With regard to preferential mechanisms and policies for those who made meritorious contributions to the country’s revolutionary cause, over the past 4 years, 4,672 social policy beneficiaries have received a total of more than 127 billion VND in financial support from the city government to build new houses or innovate their old ones.

Besides, 100% of families in rural areas have accessed clean water supplies, whilst apartments have been constructed for lease to 1,592 social policy families across the city.

By DANG NO – Translated by A.T
