
Remarkable results from implementation of '5 No's, 3 Yes's' programe and 'City of 4 Safe Programmes' campaign

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
September 26, 2020, 16:41 [GMT+7]

Over the last 2 decades, Da Nang has achieved remarkable results from the implementation of the ‘5 No’s, 3 Yes’s’ programme, making it very different from other Vietnamese localities. The city authorities have continued their efforts to reach the targets of no starving households, no illiterate people, no itinerant beggars, no drug-addicts in the community, and no murders for property in the city.  In addition, they have aimed to ensure that all local residents have their own houses, a stable job and a cultural lifestyle. Da Nang has been named the most liveable city in Viet Nam.

Municipal Party Committee Secretary Truong Quang Nghia (7th left) and honourees in the ‘5 No’s’ programme during the 2000-2020 period
Da Nang Party Committee Secretary Truong Quang Nghia (7th left) and honourees who are recognised for their impressive dedication to the ‘5 No’s’ programme during the 2000-2020 period

During the 2000-2020 period, thousands of families have been lifted out of poverty. Over 4,400 itinerant beggars have been handled, whilst more than 3,200 people have been helped to have stable jobs. Nearly 23,500 juvenile offenders have been helped to undergo compulsory and volunteer drug rehabilitation programmes in the city. There have been no murders for property in the city.

Every year, job opportunities are created for over 30,000 people in Da Nang, thereby reducing the city’s unemployment rate to 3.4% last year from 5.06% in 2006. In addition, 215 civilised urban roads have been built across the city. Moreover, 2,642 villages and residential areas have met urban civilisation standards, whilst 16 traditional markets citywide have met the commercial civilisation standards.

Besides, Da Nang has recorded significant achievements from the implementation of  the 'City of 4 Safe Programmes' campaign which was launched in the city in 2015. Top priority has been given to implementing this campaign with a focus on ensuring security, traffic safety, food safety and hygiene, and social welfare for local residents.  

Recent years have seen a significant decrease in the number of traffic accidents, and public order offences which have sparked deep concern amongst the general public, including thieves, fraudulent appropriation of property and commercial frauds, in Da Nang.

In particular, food safety and hygiene in the city have been ensured, whilst social welfare programmes have been carried out in a more effective manner.

These positive results were reported at a meeting on Friday, chaired by Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary Nguyen Van Quang, with the aim of reviewing the implementation of implementation of the ’5 No’s, 3 Yes’s’ programe and the 'City of 4 Safe Programmes' campaign over the past 20 years.  

In his remarks at the meeting, Deputy Secretary Quang said that these positive results were mainly attributed to effective leadership of the city leaders, and the high level of consensus between the Da Nang government and local residents.

Mr Quang said that the effective implementation of the ’5 No’s, 3 Yes’s’ programe and the 'City of 4 Safe Programmes' campaign has significantly contributed to promoting Da Nang’s brand name of a liveable city.

Deputy Secretary Quang highlighted the significance of strengthening Da Nang's post-Covid economic recovery in a sustainable manner.

In addition, Mr Quang underlined a must-do to establish Da Nang itself as a major centre of economic activity in Viet Nam, and the fastest growing city in Central Viet Nam and Central highlands.

Heed will be paid to making Da Nang a more prosperous, peaceful, civilized, modern and liveable city in the future.

Also at the meeting, 11 groups and 12 individuals were honoured with Certificates of Merit from the municipal People’s Committee for their outstanding achievements in the ‘5 No’s’ programme during the 2000-2020 period.

Also, 12 groups and 5 individuals received Certificates of Merit from the municipal People’s Committee for their impressive dedication to the ‘3 Yes’s’ programme during the 2005-2020 period.

Certificates of Merit were given to 18 groups and 5 individuals who were recognised for their impressive dedication to the 'City of 4 Safe Programmes' campaign  between 2016 and 2020.

Besides, the Da Nang Newspaper and the Da Nang Radio and Television station were awarded Certificates of Merit in recognition of their active involvement in widely and effectively publicising the city’s social welfare programmes.

By T.S - Translated by M.D
