
Seventh Congress of Central Public Security Party Organisation opens

By VNA / DA NANG Today
October 12, 2020, 16:56 [GMT+7]

The seventh Congress of the Central Public Security Party Organisation for the 2020-2025 tenure opened in Ha Noi on October 12 morning, with the attendance of Politburo member and Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc.

The seventh Congress of the Central Public Security Party Organisation for the 2020-2025 tenure opened in Hanoi on October 12 morning. (Photo: VNA)
The seventh Congress of the Central Public Security Party Organisation for the 2020-2025 tenure opened in Hanoi on October 12 morning. (Photo: VNA)

The Congress is scheduled to review the implementation of the resolution adopted at the previous congress (2015-2020 term), and decide orientations, targets and tasks of the Party Organisation in the next five years.

It will also review the leadership of the Central Public Security Party Committee in the previous tenure, and looked at draft documents to be presented at the 13th National Party Congress.

Delegates representing the Party Organisation to the 13th National Party Congress will also be elected on this occasion.

In his opening remarks, Politburo member and Minister of Public Security, General To Lam highlighted significant achievements recorded by the Central Public Security Party Organisation and all-level Party organisations in the sector in safeguarding national security and order, and building public security forces and the Party, contributing to ensuring a peaceful and stable environment for national development over the past five years.

However, he said, the rapid, complex developments of the regional and global situation have posed difficulties and challenges to the work, requiring the Party Organisation and its units to enhance leadership and combat capacity.

The political report of the Party Committee for 2015-2020 period, which was delivered at the congress, highlighted that the public security force has grown in all aspects and the sector has provided timely consultations for the Party Central Committee, the Political Bureau and the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat in devising major guidelines and solutions on national defence, the maintenance of social order and safety, and public security force building.

The sector has successfully ensured national security, drastically implemented measures to fight sabotaging plots and activities of reactionaries and protected  absolute safety for the country’s major targets and events. 

The force has stepped up measures to prevent the phenomena of “self-transformation” and “self-evolution” in line with the resolution adopted at the fourth plenums of the 11th and 12th Party Central Committee on Party building and rectification.

Over the past time, the Party Committee has pursued the dual goals of fighting the Covid-19 pandemic and maintaining socio-economic development.

Regarding crime prevention and fight, the sector has effectively handled emerging complex issues such as “black credit” crime, criminal cases with foreign elements and cybercrime.

Efforts have been made to accelerate the handling of economic and corruption cases under the monitoring of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption, which has been considered a “bright spot” in the past term.

The Ministry of Public Security has set a bright example in streamlining the force’s organizational apparatus with breakthrough measures.

In the next five years, the Party Organisation aims to further enhance its leadership and combat capacity, build a pure and strong force, towards an elite and modern force by 2030, and carry forward its core role in defending national security and ensuring social order and safety.

The Congress will last until October 13.

Source: VNA
