
NA adopts Resolution on 2021 socio-economic development plan

By VNA / DA NANG Today
November 11, 2020, 16:55 [GMT+7]

The 14th National Assembly adopted a Resolution on socio-economic development plans for 2021 during its 10th session in Ha Noi on 11 November.

At the meeting (Photo: VNA)
At the meeting (Photo: VNA)

Of the 439 deputies, or 91.08 percent, present, 430, or 89.21 percent, voted in favour.

The Resolution sets the goals of fighting the pandemic and protecting health while restoring socio-economic development.

It also looks to quality human resources training in combination with scientific-technological development, social welfare, and environmental protection in adapting to climate change.

Administrative reform will be stepped up to create a favourable business environment, while discipline will be strengthened to improve the efficiency of the fight against corruption and waste.

Strengthening national defence and security is also a goal, as is enhancing external activities and global integration, safeguarding independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, and creating an environment of peace and stability in service of rapid and sustainable national development, thus improving the country’s stature in the international arena.

GDP next year is to grow by around 6 percent and per capita GDP averages 3,700 USD. The CPI growth should be around 4 percent and social productivity is to increase by 4.8 percent.

The rate of poor households, under multidimensional poverty standards, is expected to fall by 1-1.5 percentage points. Medical insurance coverage will reach nearly 91 percent. More than 90 percent of city dwellers will gain access to clean water via a concentrated water supply network, while forest coverage is to reach about 42 percent.

Agreeing in general with the tasks and measures presented by the Government, the Supreme People’s Court, and the Supreme People’s Procuracy, the legislature asked the Government to perfect socialism-oriented market economy mechanisms, control inflation, adopt synchronous and effective measures to boost exports and stimulate domestic demand, and actively tap into opportunities from free trade agreements, especially the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the EU-Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

The Government was assigned to step up the restructuring of the economy in combination with renewing the growth model, and improving economic competitiveness based on science and technology and innovation.

Another task is to continue to step up the settlement of bad debts and the restructuring of credit organisations, which should ensure the principles of openness and transparency in line with market mechanisms.

The Cabinet is responsible for restructuring agriculture and developing the rural economy in combination with new rural area development.

It must conduct national, regional, and provincial planning for the 2021-2030 period, for submission to authorities in line with the Law on Planning.

The NA also called on people and soldiers at home and abroad to uphold a spirit of patriotism and solidarity, contributing to realising the 2021 socio-economic development plan and creating momentum for development in 2021 - 2025.

Source: VNA
