
More Tet gifts presented to the needy

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
January 29, 2021, 10:16 [GMT+7]

Head of the Da Nang Party Committee's Mass Mobilisation Department Doan Ngoc Hung Anh, on Thursday, paid pre-Tet visits to the authorities of Hoa Ninh and Hoa Lien communes in Hoa Vang District.

During his meeting with leaders of the two communes, Mr Anh wished them and local residents good health and happiness in the lunar new year.

Mr Anh also highly lauded the communes for their outstanding achievements in ensuring the stable socio-economic development, and assuring local security and defence. The two communes were also commended for their great efforts in taking proactive and timely measures to stem the spread of the virus last year.

Mr Anh asked leaders of the two communes to take appropriate and effective solutions to drive their localities’ post-Covid economic recovery, with a focus on boosting the development of hi-tech agriculture, in the year to come. Importance should be attached to creating jobs for local residents, and effectively implementing social welfare programmes across the two communes

On the occasion, Head Anh visited and gave Tet gifts, worth 700,000 VND each, to 26 families of ethnic Hoa (Vietnamese of Chinese origin) in Hoa Ninh Commune.

Also on the same day, the Party Committee of Da Nang's Government Agencies partnered with the Hoa Vang District Party Committee to donate 100 cash gifts of one million VND each, to local poor people.

Over the past year, many charity programmes have been carried out across Hoa Vang District so as to help the needy people.

In addition to cash support, new houses have been built for some of the poor in the district, whilst suitable means of livelihood have been provided for poor families in a bid to help them increase their incomes.

By NGUYEN QUANG, NGOC PHU - Translated by M.D
