
Building ethical, competent officials and party members in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 28, 2023, 19:43 [GMT+7]

Da Nang needs to build an exemplary team of officials and Party members with pure revolutionary ethics, capable of meeting requirements and tasks.

Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary cum People's Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the meeting
Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary cum People's Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the meeting

That was the direction of municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary cum People's Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet at a meeting on Thursday to review the implementation of Conclusion No.100-KL/TW issued by Central Secretary Board on August 18, 2014 on innovating and improving the quality of investigation, capture and research of public opinion over the past 10 years; summarize training and publication work in 2023; and identify new tasks for 2024.

Deputy Secretary Triet stressed the necessity for the city to make efforts to stimulate the working ability and dedication of cadres, civil servants, public employees and people of all walks of life.

He requested the Party Committee's Commission for Publicity and Training to continue to pay attention to two-way information, as well as propagate fully, promptly, boldly and diversely important developments in the socio-economic situation, opportunities, challenges, and development orientations to create consensus among the people.

Mr. Triet underlined a must-do for the agency to innovate and improve the quality and efficiency of studying, researching, thoroughly grasping and implementing new documents of the central and municipal governments; as well as well organize extensive political activities on the topic of studying and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style.

Head of the Party Committee's Publicity and Training Department Doan Ngoc Hung Anh at the meeting
Head of the Party Committee's Publicity and Training Department Doan Ngoc Hung Anh at the meeting

Noting and receiving the guidance of the Standing Board of the municipal Party Committee, Head of the Party Committee's Publicity and Training Department Doan Ngoc Hung Anh said that 2024 was a year of special significance in successfully implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and Resolutions of Congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term.

He noted that the Department will proactively advise and propose contents in the field of propaganda work; continue to innovate the content and methods of operation; and improve the quality and effectiveness of thoroughly implementing and organizing the study of the Party's resolutions and directives.

Importance will be attached to enhancing the quality of propaganda work; and implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, the Resolution of the 22nd municipal Party Congress, and the resolutions of party congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term.

Heed will be on promoting the introduction of images, potential, and economic, cultural-social strengths; plus the city’s preferential and investment attraction policies and mechanisms to foreign partners.

The Department will strengthen political and ideological education for officials, party members and people, firmly grasping the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's policies and laws; and maintaining faith in the Party's leadership.

Also at the meeting, 7 groups and 8 individuals were honoured for their active involvement in propaganda work in 2023.

Reporting by TRONG HUY - Translating by M.DUNG
