
Da Nang always puts people at centre of policies, decisions

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 26, 2023, 17:43 [GMT+7]

Da Nang always considers its people as the centre of all development policies, municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary cum People’s Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet affirmed at the scientific conference entitled "Current situation, raised issues and new requirements in the process of resolving the relationship between the socialist-oriented market economy - the rule-of-law socialist State - socialist democracy in perfecting the model of socialism in Viet Nam” held in the city on Tuesday.

The conference in progress
The conference in progress

Economic development associated with progress and social justice

According to Deputy Secretary Luong Nguyen Minh Triet, over the past years, Da Nang has seriously and synchronously implemented the central policies on a socialist-oriented market economy.

Included are Resolution No.23-NQ/TW, adopted by the 9th Party Central Committee on March 12, 2003, on promoting the strength of the great national unity for the goal of wealthy people, a strong country and a fair, democratic and civilised society; Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW, dated June 16, 2022, of the fifth congress of the 13th Party Central Committee on continuing to innovate, develop and improve the efficiency of the collective economy in the new period; Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated November 9, 2022 approved at the sixth plenum of the 13th Party Central Committee on continuing to build and perfect the rule-of-law socialist State in the new period; and Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW on the acceleration of the national industrialisation and modernisation to 2030 with a vision to 2045.

In particular, the city has always identified the synchronous implementation of development policies and economic growth associated with ensuring progress and social justice, thereby creating opportunities for all people to enjoy the results of economic growth and development, and constantly improving the material and spiritual life of people.

Along with that, the city has developed appropriate social development and management policies, and harmoniously resolved social relations. Heed has been on promptly handling risks and social conflicts; ensuring social order and safety; linking economic development policies with social policies; and detecting and promptly dealing with social negatives and creating social consensus for development.

​Putting people's interests first

To develop Da Nang as it is today, it is largely thanks to the support of all walks of life. Therefore, the city has always focused on the people in all development policies.

In the development of policies, the city has always put the people at the centre, and their interests first, with the motto "The Party says - the people believe; Fronts and organisations mobilise – the people follow; The government does - the people support”.

In 2023, in the context of many difficulties and challenges, the city has proactively made efforts with a methodical approach in building and rectifying the Party and political system.

The city has proactively reported and worked with leaders of the Party, State, departments, ministries, and central branches to propose and recommend mechanisms and policies to remove difficulties and obstacles to promote the city's socio-economic development according to Resolution No. 43-NQ/TW and Resolution No. 26-NQ/TW of the Politburo.

Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary cum People’s Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet
Da Nang Party Committee Deputy Secretary cum People’s Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet delivering his speech at the conference

Da Nang is the first locality in the five centrally governed cities to announce its master plan for the 2021 - 2030 period, with a vision to 2050. Zoning plans are being urgently completed and submitted to competent authorities for approval.

Thanks to this, a number of major economic sectors and fields grew quite well, especially service activities, tourism, and software export. The scale of the city's economy is estimated to reach more than VND134,000 billion, an increase of nearly VND10,000 billion against 2022.

A number of large-scale dynamic and key projects have been put into operation in the city, having a pervasive impact on promoting the city's socio-economic development. Social welfare policies are always focused on implementation with many outstanding ones.

The city is now paying special attention to rolling out solutions to promote economic growth with the driving force being the service sector, tourism, hi-tech, information technology industry, marine economy associated with logistics, and the building of digital economy and smart cities. It is laying an emphasis on training and attracting human resources in the field of semiconductor industry.

Along with that, the city continues to coordinate with working groups of the Government and the Prime Minister to review, resolve and remove difficulties and obstacles related to projects and land in inspection conclusions, audits and judgments, contributing to supporting businesses to soon complete financial obligations according to regulations, and appealing for investment.

Mr. Triet highlighted the importance of the conference in creating a valuable opportunity for the city to receive opinions from leaders, experts, and scientists on the relationship between the socialist-oriented market economy, the rule-of-law socialist State and socialist democracy in perfecting the model of socialism in Viet Nam.

Proposals, recommendations to perfect socialism model in reform period

In his opening and introduction speech to the conference, Dr. Bui Truong Giang, Vice President cum General Secretary of the Central Theoretical Council, asked delegates to analyse and clarify the current state of the relationship between the socialist-oriented market economy, the rule-of-law socialist State and socialist democracy in the process of building and perfecting the Vietnamese socialism model in the reform period.

Besides, importance should be attached to evaluating the resolution of the relationship and the issues in resolving the relationship during the construction and perfecting of the Vietnamese socialism model in the reform period, he added.

Reporting by NGOC PHU - Translating by M.DUNG
