
Da Nang in need of outstanding specific mechanisms and policies

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 27, 2023, 11:32 [GMT+7]

Da Nang currently needs special and outstanding mechanisms and policies to mobilise resources to implement the goals of resolutions set for the city by the national government.

The statement was made by municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary cum People’s Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet at the scientific conference entitled "Current situation, raised issues and new requirements in the process of resolving the relationship between the socialist-oriented market economy - the rule-of-law socialist State - socialist democracy in perfecting the model of socialism in Viet Nam” held in the city on Tuesday.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan delivering his closing speech at the conference on the morning of December 26. Photo: NGOC PHU
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan delivering his closing speech at the conference on the morning of December 26. Photo: NGOC PHU

Focus more adequately on grassroots government organisations

During the conference, experts and scientists clearly stated the results and current situation of the socialist-oriented market economy in relation to the the rule-of-law socialist State and socialist democracy in Viet Nam and Da Nang as well.

They also highlighted the role of the Party Committee, government and democratic agencies in the city in promoting grassroots democracy for socio-economic development, and building a clean and strong Party and political system.

Also, solutions to promote people's ownership in building, developing and protecting the city in the period of industrialisation, modernisation and international integration were taken into account.

Deputy Secretary Triet remarked that during the development process, Da Nang followed Singapore’s model in urban planning because of their similarities in the area and natural conditions. However, in terms of current economic scale, Singapore is many times better than Da Nang.

Therefore, he stressed the need for the city to have special and outstanding mechanisms and policies to mobilise and promote resources to implement the goals and resolutions assigned to Da Nang by the Central Government.

Besides, he also highlighted the importance of perfecting the law. Because nowadays, some State workers are reported to be afraid of responsibility, do not dare to bear responsibility, avoid their duty and do not make decisions about the work under their competence. One of the important reasons is the overlap in legal documents.

He added that the city has already issued Directive No. 34-CT/TU on continuing to promote administrative reform, strengthen discipline and order, overcome the situation of avoiding, and not properly and fully performing the responsibilities and tasks of a part of cadres, party members, civil servants, and public employees in the current situation.

Regarding the implementation of the urban government model, Da Nang is actively implementing it and is currently petitioning the Central Government to allow the city to continue implementing it, no longer piloting it. More than 80% of respondents agreed to continue implementing the model, because it is beneficial to the people.

However, the decentralisation and delegation of authority must be very clear. "To create trust and mobilise people's strength, it is necessary to focus more adequately on government organisation at the grassroots level" Mr. Triet emphasised.

Deputy Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the conference. Photo: NGOC PHU
Deputy Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the conference. Photo: NGOC PHU

Contributing to development of Documents of 14th National Party Congress

Speaking at the closing ceremony of the event, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan, a member of the Steering Committee of Programme KX.04/21-25 and Head of the Economic Subcommittee under the Central Theoretical Council, emphasised that the presentations as well as ideas focused on three key contents: ceneral issues, the current situation, and problems raised in resolving the relationship between the socialist-oriented market economy, the socialist rule of law State and socialist democracy - the reality of Da Nang.

According to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quang Thuan, from the socialist market economy approach to solve the relationship between three factors: Socialist-oriented market economy - Socialist rule of law state - Socialist democracy, the delegates clarified the nature of this relationship, especially the dialectical relationship between the socialist-oriented market economy, the socialist rule-of-law state and socialist democracy.

At the same time, they pointed out the reality of implementing and resolving this relationship during the recent years of innovation, especially since the implementation of the Document of the 13th Party Congress.

Participating delegates also emphasised the characteristics and bottlenecks of a socialist-oriented market economy, and how to resolve bottlenecks.

​Reporting by NGOC PHU - Translating by M.DUNG
