
"Skillful mass mobilisation" models continue to be promoted in Da Nang

By DA NANG Today / DA NANG Today
December 28, 2023, 11:26 [GMT+7]

In his speech delivered at the Wednesday meeting to review mass mobilisation work in 2023 and identify new tasks for the Da Nang Party Committee's Mass Mobilisation Board next year, municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary cum People's Council Chairman Luong Nguyen Minh Triet requested the mass mobilisation organisations at all levels to continue perfecting and replicating the "Skillful mass mobilisation" models in the locality.

Deputy Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the event. Photo: X.H
Deputy Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee Luong Nguyen Minh Triet speaking at the event. Photo: X.H

Deputy Secretary Triet highlighted the importance role and great contributions of the mass mobilisation sector to the overall development of the city.

He took the opportunity to ask Party committees and mass mobilisation committees at all levels to continue to concretise resolutions and policies of the Party and State on mass mobilisation work to suit the city's practical situation.

He also emphasised the need for the city to invest more adequately in mass mobilisation work, especially building people's trust in the leadership of the Party and State, the administration of the government, and the propaganda of the Front, political and mass organisations.

The focus should be on continuing to perfect and replicate the "Skillful mas mobilisation" models, as well as completely resolving people's long-standing frustrations and petitions, Mr. Triet added.

Head of the Da Nang Party Committee's Mass Mobilisation Board Le Van Trung (middle) awarding Certificates of Merit to outstanding groups and individuals in the mass mobilisationsector in 2023. Photo: X.H
Head of the Da Nang Party Committee's Mass Mobilisation Board Le Van Trung (middle) awarding Certificates of Merit to outstanding groups and individuals in the mass mobilisationsector in 2023. Photo: X.H

In addition, the city leader stressed the necessity for localities and units to promote government mobilisation work in site clearance work and administrative reform, as well as enhance the role of leaders in contacting and organising dialogues with citizens to resolve complaints and legitimate aspirations of local people.

On the occasion, the municipal People's Committee awarded Certificates of Merit to 11 typical models of "Skillful mass mobilisation".

Certificates of merit from the Da Nang Party Committee's Mass Mobilisation Board were given out to 8 collectives and 4 individuals in recognition of their outstanding achievements in mass mobilisation activities in 2023.

Three collectives and individuals were honoured for their outstanding achievements in implementing the emulation movement "Skillful mass mobilisation" in 2023.

​Reporting by X. HAU - Translating by M.DUNG
