
Regulations needed on operation of reservoirs

Published: July 28, 2014

Last Friday, a visiting group from the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, led by Minister Nguyen Minh Quang, had a working session with some representatives from Da Nang’s authorities.  They discussed ways to improve the State’s management of natural resources and the environment.

Currently, the water used for local residents’ daily lives, agricultural and industrial production activities, and the service sector is mainly sourced from Quang Nam Province’s Vu Gia River, which flows into the city’s Cau Do (Red Bridge) River.  However, since 2012, the Red Bridge River has been suffering from severe long-term salinity.  The main reason is the operation of a number of hydropower plants, especially the Dak Mi 4 plant, on the upper sections of the Vu Gia and Thu Bon rivers which has created a shortage of water in the lower sections of the Vu Gia River, and especially in the city. 

To deal with the problem, the city’s leaders suggested that regulations should be issued as soon as possible on the operation of reservoirs on the Vu Gia and Thu Bon rivers in the dry season.  In addition, a team for managing the basins of the 2 rivers should be established.

Minister Quang spoke highly of the city’s remarkable achievements in local land resource management and environmental improvement over recent years.  In addition, he stressed the need for the local authorities to comply with the newly-issued Laws on Land, Natural Resources and the Environment.

Minister Quang promised that the Ministry would gather ideas from government agencies, along with the authorities of Da Nang and Quang Nam Province, in order to issue regulations soon on the operation of reservoirs on the Vu Gia and Thu Bon rivers.  This will help to ensure benefits for the concerned localities, with a focus on maintaining sufficient clean water supplies for local residents.

