
Rural residents in Laos receive free medical examinations and medicines

Published: July 24, 2014

On Wednesday, 35 volunteers from Da Nang’s Youth Union went to the districts of Lamam and Thateng in Sekong Province, Laos, to do voluntary work. 

Despite the non-stop rain all day long, the volunteers provided free medical examinations and medicines for local residents, and their charitable work left a deep impression on their Laotian friends.  In addition, Da Nang’s volunteers gave gifts, worth 300,000 VND each, to 70 poor people living in Lamam District’s Tok Village and Thateng District’s Palay Village.  The gifts included monosodium glutamate, cooking oil, and salt.

A young doctor writing a prescription for a Laotian patient
A young doctor writing a prescription for a Laotian patient

The Deputy Secretary of the city’s Youth Union, Mr Tran Vu Duy Man, said that there was a high demand for health care in the poorest localities in Laos.  Therefore, the volunteers on this trip to Laos were young nurses and doctors from medical establishments in Da Nang.  He added that the trip had given the young people from Da Nang and Laos the opportunity to participate in a number of cultural and sporting exchanges.  This had helped to tighten and deepen the solidarity and friendship between Da Nang and Sekong Province in particular, and Viet Nam and Laos in general.

Da Nang’s volunteers also presented 2 computers, together worth 14 million VND, to the province’s Youth Union.

The Deputy Secretary of Sekong Province’s Youth Union, Mr Senvanh, said that the Laotian people were very grateful for the enthusiastic support they have received from the people of Da Nang, as well as from Viet Nam as a whole, over recent years.
