
Imported books difficult to buy

Published: January 28, 2015

Book lovers in Da Nang are finding it increasingly difficult to buy their favourite books if they are imported from abroad.  Very few books published in foreign countries are currently on sale at bookstores in the city, with pre-ordering usually necessary. 

Mr Le Ngoc Thanh from the city’s Fahasa Bookstore at 300 - 302 Le Duan says that many imported books were on sale at his store in the past, but in recent years there have been very few. 

Customers in a local bookstore
Customers in a local bookstore

The majority of any imported books are usually distributed to Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City, and only a few reach Da Nang.  The airport and the railway station have outlets selling them to international passengers. 

The Deputy Director of the Danabook Company, Mr Hoang Ngoc Lap, remarked that the city is seeing a low demand from local residents for books published in foreign countries.  In addition, there has been a sharp rise in the prices of imported books, and there are copyright-related issues.  As a result, many local bookstores are very reluctant to stock this type of book.


