
New gallery opens about history of Da Nang 1306 - 1945

Published: January 26, 2015

A new 100m2 gallery themed “Dien Cach Da Nang” (Historical Changes in the Land of Da Nang) was recently opened at the Museum of Da Nang and it is drawing a great deal of attention from the general public.

The Director of the museum, Mr Ha Phuoc Mai, said that the establishment of the new gallery was funded from the city’s budget.

The gallery features many valuable artifacts and documents which help visitors to gain an insight into the history of Da Nang during the period.

Visitors in the new gallery
Visitors in the new gallery

According to the “Dai Viet Su Ky Toan Thu” (The Complete History of Dai Viet), in 1306 Vietnamese Emperor Tran Anh Tong married off his younger sister Huyen Tran to the Champa king Che Man in exchange for annexing the Cham localities of Chau O and Chau Ly.  These territories now comprise Da Nang and the provinces of Quang Binh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien-Hue.

Also on display in the gallery are 10 historical documents, sealed by emperors of the Vietnamese feudal dynasties, which established new administrative units in Da Nang.

In addition, there are 5 maps of Da Nang under the Nguyen Dynasty, along with numerous photos depicting the land and people of Da Nang in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

In particular, items used in the daily lives of local residents before 1945 are also on display.  They include local costumes, production tools, ceramic objects, and coins used during the later Le and Nguyen dynasties.

The exhibits were mainly sourced from the Viet Nam Historical Science Association, national archive centres nationwide, and domestic antique collectors.



