
Over 3.2 billion VND used to help children with congenital heart complaints

Published: January 20, 2015

Last year, the Da Nang Association for Supporting Poor and Disadvantaged Women and Children and the city’s health sector together helped more than 9,000 local children to access free screening programmes for the early detection of disabilities.  As a result, 159 were diagnosed with congenital heart disease.

During the period, over 3.2 billion VND was raised by the Association to fund surgeries for 70 of the children diagnosed with heart problems.  In addition, over 1 billion VND was collected from generous donors to help local poor women and children.

This year, top priority will be given to appealing for more funds to provide free surgeries for another 70 children with heart problems.  Importance will also be attached to providing 700 poor women with screening tests for the early detection of breast or cervical cancer.  In addition, the Association is aiming to provide 300 million VND to local poor and disadvantaged women and children to give them medical treatment.

