
Da Nang Newspaper's editors meet with colleagues

Published: February 11, 2015

On Tuesday morning, the editors of the Da Nang Newspaper met with their colleagues at the newspaper in celebration of the forthcoming Tet Festival.

The invited guests remarked that in the last year the newspaper had made significant contributions to publicising Viet Nam’s unceasing righteous struggle for its legitimate sovereignty over the Hoang Sa archipelago.

In the context of China illegally placing the HD-981 oil drilling rig in Viet Nam’s territory waters last year, the newspaper published many articles which offered convincing proof that Viet Nam has established and exercised its sovereignty over the archipelago over many historical periods. 

Editor-in-Chief Mai Duc Loc presenting flowers to a freelance journalist
Editor-in-Chief Mai Duc Loc presenting flowers to a freelance journalist

Most notably, the newspaper was the only press agency in Viet Nam to release a special edition about the Hoang Sa archipelago, and this drew a great deal of attention from readers within the city and from elsewhere.

Addressing the meeting, the Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper, Mr Mai Duc Loc, extended his deep gratitude to his colleagues for all their significant contributions to the newspaper during the last year.  He also spoke highly of their important role in diversifying the newspaper’s publications.

Mr Loc took the opportunity to highlight his newspaper’s achievements last year - a total of 2,000 news items, articles, photos, short stories and poems had been published, written by over 500 freelancers either from the city or other localities nationwide.  Amongst them were prestigious scholars including local cultural researcher Nguyen Dinh An and renowned journalist Ham Chau.

Also at the event, Mr Loc announced that a regional workshop entitled “Publicising Viet Nam’s Sovereignty in the Bien Dong (East Sea) in Party Newspapers” will be organised by the newspaper in March, and a special Vietnamese language magazine with the same title will be released at the same time.  The workshop will be attended by representatives from Party newspapers in the central region and highlands.

In particular, Mr Loc also introduced the participants to a new category in the Vietnamese print daily issue entitled “I am a Da Nang Resident” which comes in active response to the city’s “Year for Culture and Urban Civilisation” programme.

