
Tet get-together for ex-pats

Published: February 09, 2015

Last Friday at the Vinpearl Premium Resort, the Da Nang People’s Committee Chairman, Mr Huynh Duc Tho, and other city leaders informally met with ex-pats who are living and working in Da Nang in celebration of the upcoming Tet Festival.

Chairman Duc Tho briefed the participants on the city’s socio-economic achievements over the past year.  Most notably, 9 local ODA projects are now underway, together worth nearly 400 million USD.  This positive result, which proves the effectiveness of international cooperation between Da Nang and its partners, was mainly attributed to the significant efforts made by all the foreign organisations and individuals in the city.  He also took the opportunity to express his sincere gratitude to local expats for their ceaseless devotion to the city’s progress over recent years.

PC Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri (centre) presenting Certificates of Merit to 2 outstanding ex-pats
PC Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri (centre) presenting Certificates of Merit to 2 outstanding ex-pats

The city leader also said he hoped that local ex-pats would overcome any language and cultural barriers to join with the local government and residents in making Da Nang a more prosperous and liveable city.

The General Director of the Vietnam Brewery Ltd Da Nang, Mr Alex W Lowther, spoke highly of Da Nang’s incentive policies for attracting more foreign investment flows.  He also highly appreciated the city’s streamlined administrative procedures which allow investors to save time and money when making dossiers, gaining investment licences, and deploying their projects.  Thanks to this, VBL Da Nang is planning to expand its business activities in the city in the near future.

Also at the event, 19 foreign organisations and 19 ex-pat individuals were awarded Certificates of Merit from the municipal PC in recognition of their remarkable contributions to the strengthening of international friendship and humanitarian aid work in the city.

