
Tree-planting campaign launched

Published: February 24, 2015

On 23 February (the 5th day of the 1st lunar month) a ceremony to launch a tree-planting campaign took place at Da Nang’s Hai Chau Communal House, which is a national-level historical-cultural relic site.  The campaign is in response to Uncle Ho’s appeal for afforestation at the beginning of each lunar year and the city’s “Year for Culture and Urban Civilisation” programme.

A number of loc vung (Barringtonia acutangula) trees were planted on each side of the communal house’s main worship area to promote the beauty of its landscape and create more shade.  In addition, 1,000 cay chuoi ngoc (Duranta repens) trees were planted, along with one hoa su (Plumeria rubra acutifolia) and 4 cay cau (Areca catechu) trees.  Meanwhile, the existing trees at the site were carefully pruned and watered.

   Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri watering a newly-planted tree at the communal house
Municipal Party Committee Deputy Secretary Vo Cong Tri watering a newly-planted tree at the communal house

To mark the occasion, all of the 13 wards in Hai Chau District, the local agencies and the schools were actively involved in planting trees and pruning the existing ones across the district.
