
Seminar about reducing use of rhino horns

Published: March 18, 2015

On Tuesday, a total of over 120 management staff and teachers from many of Da Nang’s primary schools attended a seminar on raising public awareness about the need to reduce the use of rhino horns in Viet Nam. 

The event was jointly organised by the municipal Department of Education and Training, the CITES Management Authority of Viet Nam, and the Humane Society International which is one of the only international animal protection organisations in the world working to protect all animals.

Rhinos are killed only for their horns (Photo : tuoitrenews)
Rhinos are killed only for their horns (Photo : tuoitrenews)

The participants were introduced to the Vietnamese and international laws on protecting wild animals, especially endangered species like the rhinoceros.  False rumours still persist about the horns having miraculous capabilities to cure cancer, bring down fevers, and treat other ailments.  Scientific evidence clearly proves that the horns, which are made of the same keratin substance as human finger nails, possess no powerful medicinal properties at all.

Also at the event, the CITES Management Authority of Viet Nam and the Humane Society International donated over 80,000 copies of a comic book entitled “I’m a Little Rhino” to local primary schools.

Primary schools will do more to raise awareness amongst the teaching staff, pupils and their parents about the fact that rhinos are at high risk of extinction due to illegal poaching for their horns.  In addition, the municipal Department of Education and Training will organise a drawing competition for local primary school pupils about protecting this animal and reducing the demand for their horns.

