
Determination to maintain friendly tourism environment at Marble Mountains

Published: April 07, 2015

In response to Da Nang’s “Year for Culture and Urban Civilisation” programme, the Management Board of the Marble Mountains Tourist Area has taken many effective measures to improve the tourism environment at this venue.  These have helped to make the Marble Mountains a safe, civilised and attractive destination for domestic and foreign visitors arriving in the city.

Currently, visitors to the Marble Mountains are being provided with free brochures which give them an overview of this tourist attraction and a warning against buying souvenirs from wandering vendors.  In addition, reliable addresses for purchasing souvenirs with displayed prices are given in the brochure with the aim of stopping tourist harassment.

Visitors at the Marble Mountains
Visitors at the Marble Mountains

In addition, painting, writing or drawing on stone steles and public works, along with cutting down trees, picking flowers and bird hunting, have been banned at the tourist site. 

Special attention has been paid to ensuring a clean, green and beautiful landscape, with a focus on planting and taking care of trees and creating flower gardens.  Importance has been attached to raising awareness amongst monks and nuns from pagodas at the Marble Mountains, and local service providers, about ensuring environmental sanitation and leaving garbage in the correct places.

Heed has also been paid to maintaining the friendly and polite attitude and behaviour of the Management Board’s staff towards visitors.
