
Viet Nam attends Japanese charity fair

Published: April 08, 2015

The Viet Nam Embassy in Tokyo joined over 20 regional embassies and the host country Japan to offer handicrafts and specialities from their hometowns at a charity fair on April 8.

Vietnamese pavilion draws visitors
Vietnamese pavilion draws visitors

The Vietnamese stalls brought well-known products like silk, stone-inlay and embroidery pictures to the fair, receiving a warm welcome from visitors.

The fair is held annually by the Asia Pacific Ladies Friendship Society (ALFS), to raise funds for humanitarian aid sent to natural calamity victims across the world.

Total funds mobilised through the event are distributed to participating embassies to launch their own domestic charity work. The Viet Nam Embassy received almost 8,700 USD this year.

The Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society (ALFS), consisting of nearly 500 members, operates under the sponsorship of Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and aims to foster regional cooperation and social welfare contribution.

(Source: VNA)
