
Cold snap ends roasting weather in northern Viet Nam

Published: July 07, 2015

A cold snap entering Viet Nam has cooled down the baking weather in the northern region, with the resort town of Sa Pa in Lao Cai Province experiencing a low temperature of 12.7 degrees Celsius on Monday, the Vietnamese national weather agency reported.

This cold front has brought rain and ended the scorching heat in both northern and central Viet Nam, the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting said.

The low temperature in Sa Pa is an abnormal phenomenon, as such cold rarely occurs in July, the middle of the summer, said Le Thanh Hai, deputy general director of the center.

A file photo of Sa Pa town in the northern Vietnamese province of Lao Cai
A file photo of Sa Pa town in the northern Vietnamese province of Lao Cai

This abnormal phenomenon may be an impact of climate change, which makes weather conditions more and more complicated and hard to forecast, the official said. 

Other northern mountainous areas also recorded unusually low temperatures, including 16.5 degrees in Mau Son Town (Lang Son Province) and 17.2 degrees in Pha Din (Son La Province).  Meanwhile, hot weather has hit a few areas in the region from Da Nang to Binh Thuan Province.

Currently, climate change is developing in a complex manner and will likely continue to cause abnormal weather phenomena, Hai said, asking authorities of all localities to take precautions to cope with possible sudden, extreme weather conditions in the future.

(Source: Tuoitrenews)

