
Positive results from violence prevention project

Published: July 14, 2015

A school-based violence prevention project, entitled ‘The Journey of Love’, was successfully carried out from 2012 to 2014 in Da Nang. 

Jointly implemented by the municipal Department of Education and Training, and Paz y Desarrollo (PyD) which is a non-governmental development organisation in Spain, the project aimed to raise awareness of gender-based violence prevention among local pupils aged between 11 and 14.

An event to prevent gender-based violence and promote gender equality as part of the project
An event to prevent gender-based violence and promote gender equality as part of the project

The Deputy Director of the Department, Mr Nguyen Minh Hung, said that the project introduced the pupils to knowledge and skills about emotional management, non-violent conflict resolution and gender equality promotion.  This helped to make positive changes in thoughts and behaviours among local adolescents.

According to a recent survey of over 15,000 pupils aged between 11 and 14 from 30 local junior high schools, 96% of them were fully aware of gender equality.  Over 90% could control their emotions well, especially anger, and 88% knew how to resolve conflicts without violence. 

The rate of participating pupils who feel secure whilst studying at their schools rose to 73%.  Between 60 and 70% of the pupils confidently talked with their parents about equal treatment between men and women in society, and saying no to the use of force to resolve their conflicts.


