
Storm Resistant Housing project expanded

Published: July 06, 2015

A workshop recently took place in the city to launch the ‘Feasibility Study to Expand Storm Resistant Housing for a Resilient Da Nang’ project, which will run until 2017. 

The event was jointly organised by the US Institute for Social and Environmental Transition, the USA’s Rockefeller Foundation, the municipal Department of Foreign Affairs, and other local relevant agencies.

A storm resistant house in Man Thai Ward
A storm resistant house in Man Thai Ward

Since September 2011, the Rockefeller Foundation-funded 'Storm Resistant Housing for a Resilient Da Nang' project has been implemented effectively by the city’s Women’s Union.  The Foundation has donated a total of 636,821 USD to the project in order to help local families build new storm resistant houses or reinforce their existing weak ones.

As at 30 June 2015, 386 local families in 8 wards and communes across the city had accessed loans from the project worth around 9 billion VND in total at an interest rate of 0.65% pa.

By 2017, the project will bring benefits to another 15,185 poor and 1,575 very poor families across the city.

