
Tourist complaints investigated

Published: August 04, 2015

Over recent months, Da Nang’s tourism sector has received complaints from visitors to the city about their property being stolen at some of the local hotels, the harassment of tourists, and the high price of some of the local tourism services.

Since the start of this year, a total of 3 cases of property theft have been reported in Son Tra District.  In one case, a tourist staying at a hotel in the district had property stolen from his room in late July.  Lieutenant Colonel Dang Thi Hong Loan from the district’s Police Department said that tourists left their room keys at reception to go out.  Thieves then impersonated the tourists and were given the victims’ keys, which allowed them to enter their rooms and steal their property.

Ms Loan said that the lax management at some of the local hotels has created opportunities for thieves and she advised that tourists should keep their valuables in their room’s safety deposit box or leave them at reception.

Some local hotels along the bank of Han River
Some local hotels along the bank of Han River

The municipal Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has urged the city’s associations of Tourism and Hotels, along with tourism service providers, to increase checks and tighten their management at local hotels in order to ensure security and safety for visitors.

